What we do

Scarecrow Trading

At Scarecrow Trading, we understand the importance of keeping an eye on the market and its subtle movements. We believe that every day brings with it new opportunities to invest and grow your assets. Our algorithmic programs are used every day, with a commitment to update all of our market intelligence programs and analyze the latest trends in the stock market. This ensures that we are always in the best position to make informed investment decisions on behalf of our clients and that we can help them grow their accounts as effectively as possible.  Choose Scarecrow Trading for reliable and intelligent investment guidance. 

Our Proof Is In the Numbers

Our trading strategy surpassed market expectations,. We have a rigorous approach founded on hard work, data analytics, and an unyielding commitment to beating the market. We’ve proceeded to beat the market 13 out of the last 18 years.


Years Ahead of
The S&P 500


Avg Percent Gross
Annual Performance


Days a Year We Watch
Your Investments

Beyond Beating Averages, We Redefine Success!